Brett Diffley
Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I've been writing my whole life and about twenty five years ago started my first book, Perfect Plan. I never intended to publish it. I can't stand predictable and/or unrealistic stories such as the Jack Reacher series. Nothing ruins a novel faster than an “Oh, come on!” moment, or pages of useless blabber. My books are layered and authentic, realistic page-turners for both male and female readers that immerse you in the story and characters, making you emotionally involved. There is nothing worse than pages of descriptions that have zero to do with the plot. Some authors with write page after page describing a bathroom, the décor, and then use only one page for an action sequence. Ridiculous. I write books that readers don't want to put down. The award winning Davenport Series has six books so far with two more done and ready for publishing. I've been waiting for a marketing push to get these out. there
I've been writing my whole life and about twenty five years ago started my first book, Perfect Plan. I never intended to publish it. I can't stand predictable and/or unrealistic stories such as the Jack Reacher series. Nothing ruins a novel faster than an “Oh, come on!” moment, or pages of useless blabber. My books are layered and authentic, realistic page-turners for both male and female readers that immerse you in the story and characters, making you emotionally involved. There is nothing worse than pages of descriptions that have zero to do with the plot. Some authors with write page after page describing a bathroom, the décor, and then use only one page for an action sequence. Ridiculous. I write books that readers don't want to put down. The award winning Davenport Series has six books so far with two more done and ready for publishing. I've been waiting for a marketing push to get these out. there
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
I'm working on Terror Effect. It's a fantasy--a first for me. With so much evil in the world today, a protector, a hero of sorts, is born. I incorporate true stories about victims and bring the "what if" factor into the minds of the readers. What if a hero was drawn to a potentially gruesome event by the victims terror stricken scream?
Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Writing is about being in a groove or rut. You just need to know when to get up and walk away for a few minutes.
What authors, or books have influenced you?
Clive Cussler, Wilbur Smith, and Tom Clancy
What are you working on now?
I have 2 unpublished books --Treacherous Paths and Chance--coming out soon. They are a continuation of the award winning Davenport Series. A third--Terror Effect--is almost done too. This is a fantasy.
What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Which Websites you like most to promote your book
Do you have any advice for new authors?
Find what inspires you. That's where to begin.
What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Edit. Edit. And edit again.
What are you reading now?
Red Storm Rising by Tom Clancy.
What’s next for you as a writer?
Writing the Davenport Series has been wonderful, but a writer needs different avenues to create. I've done a physiological thriller in Chance, and now a fantasy in Terror Effect, which I could see turning into a series too.
If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Mine. Perfect Plan, Black Dawn, and Storm Warning.