Vashti’s Daughter by Raven West

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.

Raven West is the author of Red Wine for Breakfast, (Lighthouse Press, 1999) First Class Male, (Lighthouse Press, 2001), Undercover Reunion (Createspace, 2011), Vashti’s Daughter (2023), Journey to Dimension Nine - 26 Erotica Short Stories by FireBird and a non-fiction memoir Rescuing Ruby: How I Rescued My Father from Greedy Cousins, Thieving Attorneys and the Florida Guardianship System. I've won awards from several literary publications and writer’s clubs and have been a frequent guest on radio, podcasts and cable shows.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

This will sound quite strange, but the inspiration for Vashti’s Daughter originated from a very unique relationship I was involved in with a former high school classmate several years ago. It was so intense, I felt as if we had known each other in a previous life. When I ended it, he was quite upset and told me, “You will never find love again, now and for all eternity.” (Which was certainly not true as I’ve been married to my current and forever love for over 40 years!) However, that one line also felt was like a “curse” made centuries ago, and most definitely was the spark that created the theme of Vashti’s Daughter, although the Jewish holiday of Purim and all that followed wasn’t originally the concept or the title of the novel. (Unfortunately, the real person who was the inspiration for the book passed away several years ago and never knew how important he was to my creative process.) The rest of the inspiration came to me during COVID, when I had plenty of time and plenty of unemployment, to concentrate on finishing Vashti’s Daughter. The history of basketball at Kutcher’s in the Catskills, the basketball scandals at Syracuse and Israel, the archeological dig and earthquake in Qutar, and even Alexander the Great, became part of the story. Where all these themes came from, I honestly have no idea!

Do you have any unusual writing habits?

I listen to music on PANDORA

What authors, or books have influenced you?

The late Joyce Elbert and her novel "The Crazy Ladies" was my true influence into fiction although I've been writing stories since I was 7 year old. I was an advid reader as my mom worked in the local library where I would go after school. Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged showed me how a writer of fiction could create an entire political movement and change the world!

What are you working on now?

I've been working on the sequels to Red Wine for Breakfast; Bourbon for Brunch and Daiquiris for Dinner for decades. The chapters and outlines have been sitting in my computer hoping to become completed works someday when I’m a “rich and famous” (or just rich) author and can quit my “day job.”

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?

Before COVID killed book fairs and personal appearances, and the entire publishing industry took a dive, the best method that worked for me were personal events and live radio/cable TV. MUCH has changed, almost on an hourly basis and its

Which Websites you like most to promote your book

Amazon is the one most people go to when looking for books. I've been listed on many websites, but none have produced any significant sales.

Do you have any advice for new authors?

Just WRITE! Don't waste your time/money on "how to" books, writer's groups, or even creative writing classes. Artists are not "taught" to paint. Many famous musicians never even learned how to read music. If you have the passions for literary creativity, then pick up a pen (remember those?) and put YOUR unique, individual creativity to work. If your goal is "fame and fortune" you'll never finish that novel!

What is the best advice you have ever heard?

Never do today what you can put off till tomorrow!

What are you reading now?

Just finished "The Novel of the Century - The Novel of the Century: The Extraordinary Adventure of Les Misérables" by Daivd Bellos

What’s next for you as a writer?

I'm taking a break for awhile.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?

First, I'd take my OWN novels since I still re-read them all the time. Going on the "fantasy" trip, I would "take" Ayn Rand, Victor Hugo and Joyce Elbert on the island with me. Ah, the books we could all write if we had the time!!

I used to say that "overnight success" takes about 10 years, but I'me going on 25 and need to review my comment, or re-define the word "success"! I've written four novels, received many great reviews and met some extrordinary people I've never met. While nearly all of the characters in my novels that I based on real people have since passed-on (no lawsuits there!!) I'll continue to do what many cannot until I can no longer breath. Being a writer is NOT what I "do"... it is, and always has been who I AM (not matter what name I'm using!) Just be VERY careful what you say to me...it just might end up in a book someday!

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