Our earth life is composed of symbols. Designer, Buckminster Fuller stated, The Universe is speaking to us all the time. We must learn to listen. Yet, most people don’t listen or pay attention, yet the messages keep coming.
Fuller was aware that life is made up of symbols that exemplify where we, as individuals, are in our evolution. By observing these symbols, you will understand where you are in your personal progression. Is your life displaying joy or fear, conflict or harmony? Are there messes that need cleaning up, conflicts that need resolution? Your life reflects your thinking, beliefs, and evolution. By paying attention, you can make changes and direct your experience in ways that enrich you.
By learning the language of symbols, you will understand your purpose, the people in your life, various circumstances, and even holy scriptures and parables. The exercises in this book will help you appreciate your place in your family (whether personal or career). Symbolism is the language of the soul and will lead you to deep soul awareness. Piercing through veils of unknowing to reach a sense of knowing is spiritual gold.
Mystery, Thriller & Suspense
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