Opening the Gates of the Heart: Images that Heal & the Stories Behind Them by Carolyn CJ Jones


Experience Hope, Inspiration, and Empowerment!

“The magnificence of this gem of a book cannot be overstated.” ~ Norm Tedford, Copywriter. “The prose is powerful. The photos are stunning. The combination is magical. The emotions that they touch are deep, insightful, and life altering. It is simply a treasure.” ~ Ada Lloyd, Speaker, Author, Founder of Finally! Fully Alive Now

Keep this book a constant companion so it can soothe your wounds and hurts, and provide you with daily messages suitable for meditation. The book duplicates the path the author took through a process of change from great despair and feelings of worthlessness, through many growth steps, to wholeness where she lives in a state of gratitude and positivity, at peace and free. From reading the book, you, too, can gain serenity, peace, and freedom.


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