God’s Desires for You by Donna Wittlif

Everyone forbade their love. She had to prove them wrong.
Shamed. Broken. Dirtied. Unworthy of love. Cast away from her home and the mother she loves. Molested by her stepfather, seventeen-year-old Della is expecting his baby. She can’t support a baby and just has to get rid of it. But how?
She meets Reggie, whose kindness and high ideals set him apart. In spite of opposition from his family, she finds herself falling in love. How can she win him when his family keeps them apart?
She knows the odds are against her and vows to fight for his love. Just when it seems she has a chance, a horrible accusation turns their lives upside down. Can she do anything to prove Reggie’s innocence? If you enjoy a love story wrapped in a mystery, you won’t be able to put this book down.


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