Tabitha Prime by Saddletramp 1956

The year is 2109. Tabitha, a devious vengeful clone of Bill Jones’ long-dead ex-wife, has developed a powerful weapon that can destroy stars, along with their planetary systems. With it, she secured her position as a Prime Director in the Mr’rk Interstellar Corporation.

But her obsession goes far beyond absolute power or fabulous wealth. She wants revenge for the death of Bull Travers, the man she cuckolded Bill with years ago on the USS Armstrong. In addition to killing Bill Jones, she seeks to destroy the entire Solar System so she can plunder Earth.

Fast forward five years. Bill Jones is promoted and given tactical command of the task force sent to stop Tabitha and her evil plan. But he has other issues, like a drug-addicted mentally unstable Admiral who also has an axe to grind with Bill, a starship upgraded with barely tested alien technology, and the off-chance of starting Earth’s first interstellar war.


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